ANFIQ Professional Fundraising - Initial Information Gathering

Preliminary Info on Organization

Please enter your organization's full name
Please enter the city, province or state, and country your organization is located in
Please give a little background about your organization

Assessment of Needed Funds

What is the target amount that your organization wishes to raise in the short term?
How much of this target amount, if anything, does your organization already have?
Is there a deadline associated with the amount you are trying to raise? If so, when is it?
Please break down the amount needed into subcategories, if any. For example, 50% on acquisition of the new property, 25% on salaries, 25% on new furniture.
What history, if any, has led to this need?
What exactly will the needed amount be spent on? Please be as descriptive and specific as possible.
If your organization's project has one or more long term target amounts (for example future phases of the project), please list them.

Assessment of Previous Efforts Made

What fundraising initiatives has your organization done in the past?
Do you have a regular weekly or monthly time during which you collect donations (such as after Jumah prayers)? Please provide any applicable details.

Assessment of Community Engagement and Online Presence

What means do you use to engage with your organization’s main community? Please list them. For example, do you make after-Jumah announcements or announcements after regular prayers? Do you have a bulletin board that you post news items on? If you are a masjid/centre, your main community would be your local musallee base. If you are an Islamic School, your main community would likely be students’ parents.
Do you use social media to engage with your community? If so, what social media accounts does your organization have? Please list them.
How often do you post messages on your organization’s social media accounts?
Do you have a mailing list that you use to keep your community up to date with your organization’s news? Note, for Islamic Schools, this may be the parents list.
If your organization has a mailing list, how often do you send e-mail messages to it?

Assessment of Community Size

Some Additional Miscellaneous Questions

A fundraising campaign can comprise a fundraising dinner, an online campaign or something of that sort. Please specify in what period, this year or next, would your organization want to have a fundraising campaign. Note that ideally enough time is allocated for preparation before the campaign; the recommended amount of time is 2 months.
Please indicate if you have had a fundraising dinner recently and when it was.
It is typical for Masjids, Islamic Centres, and Islamic Schools to rely on Jumah collections to raise some funds. How many Jumah collections do you think you can secure in the next while?
If you are a masjid/centre, your ambassadors typically include active community members, board members, and weekend school parents/students. If you are an Islamic School, your ambassadors typically include school staff, board members, and concerned/active parents and students.

Main Contact Person of Organization