Islamic Society Of Kingston
ISK Expansion project
Ramadan 2019
The Islamic Centre of Kingston
A Place for Youth to Call Home
"I was 12 years old when I came to Kingston. There's been in my tenure in Kingston times when I was not so active in my prayers and in other social aspects ... I remember growing up, one of the things I would always look forward to was having sleepovers as youth in the mosque ... even our imam would sometimes play basketball with us ..." Watch video for the remainder of Mohammed Butt's story.
As Kingston’s Muslim Community grows in numbers, we’re working hard to Support our Youth in Preserving their Muslim Identity. ICK Expansion Project raised over 85% of the needed funds for Phase 1. Help us by making a generous donation this Ramadan to reach our needed funds to start phase 1 of the expansion project.
"The ISK is a keystone of the Muslim community in Kingston, providing religious services, education, and a community hub for the local Muslim community. It engages in very crucial outreach to the wider Kingston community, with its interfaith and civic engagement. Travelers also benefit by being able to stop on their journeys between the metropolitan centres to pray in a masjid. I encourage everyone to contribute to its expansion needs."
Kathy Bullock
President, ISNA Canada. Director of Research, the Tessellate Institute
"My relationship with the Kingston Muslim community is decades old. I have fond memories of the early days I used to visit the community for prayer gatherings, lectures, workshops and youth camps. It gives me a sense of pride to see the children of yesterday have developed into the leaders of tomorrow. Expanding their current facilities is a must to continue their quest for a bright future."
Dr. Munir El-Kassem
Imam and Chaplain
Thank you for your support!