Kanata Muslim Association

Kanata Masjid and Community Centre

The Kanata Muslim Association’s mission is to represent Islam in Ottawa West and to serve the spiritual, educational and social needs of a diverse Muslim community in a professional and caring manner.
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Building Together

Construction costs

$436,858Amount Collected*
*Amount Collected is comprised of funds collected online and offline.
Target Amount $400,000
Total Amount Collected $408,878
50K PowerMatch $58,114

Total Online Donations $161,156

Donations from Other Sources

Offline Donations$76657
GoFundMe / PayPal Giving Fund$71226
Last 10$60945
50K PowerMatch $58,114
Campaign is Closed
Your Donation is Tax Deductible


✓ Spirituality  ✓ Wellness  ✓ Outreach
Help us build our community & our new Masjid & Centre - together!

Donations are down during the pandemic. Please help fill the gap!

✔ Phase 1: Carpets installed and ready for Ramadan, alhamdulillah! Click here to view pictures.

Space for over 250 worshippers & 130 vehicles

✔ Daily prayers are being held indoors with limited capacity, while Friday prayers were being held outdoors before the lockdown

✔ 2 new Multiuse Halls to host programs & activities for families, seniors, youth, children, sisters & brothers

✔ Additional funds required before construction can begin on Phase 2 - new Masjid & Centre facility for needed services & 1100 worshippers

Now, more than ever:

  • Our children & youth need a masjid and centre they can build attachment with and that leaves them with positive values and memories.
  • Our seniors need an accessible masjid and centre where they can worship and socialize.
  • Our sisters deserve a welcoming masjid and centre where they feel included and respected.

Before the pandemic, we had activities happening in four different rental locations and we were at our seventh Friday prayer rental location. Alhamdulillah, with attendance growing at Friday prayers and with many Muslim families and workers moving into our area, the need for a permanent home is acute and widely recognized. (Click here to read testimonials from community members)