Kanata Muslim Association

Kanata Masjid and Community Centre

The Kanata Muslim Association’s mission is to represent Islam in Ottawa West and to serve the spiritual, educational and social needs of a diverse Muslim community in a professional and caring manner.
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Construction costs

$436,837Amount Collected*
*Amount Collected is comprised of funds collected online and offline.
Target Amount $750,000
Total Amount Collected $759,404

Total Online Donations $196,839

Donations from Other Sources

PayPal Giving Fund - www.tinyurl.com/donatekma$1160
GoFundMe/LaunchGood Campaigns$29643.98
Other Online$33567
Campaign is Closed
Your Donation is Tax Deductible

Kanata Muslim Association

Uniting hearts with compassion & spirituality!


✓ Spirituality. ✓ Wellness. ✓ Outreach.
Our work continues alhamdulillah, but we really need a Masjid & Centre!

✔ NEW: Total of 4-acres of land now paid off, surrounded by 100s of Muslim homes and employees

✔ NEW: Daily prayers & limited activities now partially on-site, with positive impact on participation and attendance

✔ NEW: Technical approval of site plan by city, required to begin construction

 Existing buildings include leased daycare, generating revenue to support activities

 Construction expected to begin in summer (final preparations under way)


For 15 years, Kanata's Muslim community has been praying in halls, community centres and even churches. We need help paying for construction of our new facility and associated costs.

Can you please help?


We are a dynamic and inclusive community, focusing on spirituality, wellness and outreach. We’re at our seventh Friday prayer rental location and currently have activities happening at five different rental locations.

Our new Masjid & Centre will be a well-designed, welcoming, inclusive and sustainable new permanent home for our community, offering space for prayers, classes, seniors' activities, youth programming, activities for children, counselling, feeding the needy, dawah and much more, Insha Allah.

Please help our community move forward. Your contribution will bring you or your deceased loved ones everlasting rewards, Insha Allah.